The favorite part of my day was… Seeing a 7th grade student sitting with a kindergarten student this morning at breakfast & offering to help him open his cereal when he was having a hard time doing so. Kindness matters, & hits differently when it’s from student to student & completely unprovoked & unprompted. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
Come on out & support Husky basketball tonight & tomorrow at the Sherman Invitational!
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
Come support the Sophomore class and purchase your holiday tree from them tomorrow, December 3, from 8-5 at the school.
over 1 year ago, Sherman County School
Sophomore Tree Sale Flyer
The favorite part of my day was… Our K-6 awards assembly today. Led so well by our K-6 student council, our future leaders of the school. And having the high school leadership students as visitors in the audience was great for our younger students to see. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Watching our K-6 student council meeting with our older leadership students as they planned some fun school activities for the coming months. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
Check out the Husky Happenings!
over 1 year ago, Sherman County School
Husky Happenings see more in the news section
The favorite part of my day was… Coaching our 5th-8th grade girls at basketball practice with Coach Samantha and Coach Dana. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
Tomorrow morning! Join Principal Fall for Coffee & Conversation at 7:45am.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Seeing our older kids choose to hang in our library during their lunch break… And seeing 1st grade PE with Mrs. Miller & Mr. Lewis. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
Cheer on the Huskies at the Winter Invitational! Games start at 3:00 on Dec. 2 and 11:00 on Dec. 3. Support the Sophomore class and pick up your holiday tree while you're here. The tree sale will take place in the gravel parking lot on Dec. 3 from 8-5.
over 1 year ago, Sherman County School
Sherman Winter Invitational Flyer
The favorite part of my day was… These little turkeys ;) Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
1st grade
The favorite part of my day was… The different ways our teachers bring their personality to the classroom in ways that bring the school to life and make it such a welcoming place for all students. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… This morning’s sunrise. A reminder that each day is a fresh start. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
Spirit Gear! PTO T-shirt order forms for K-6th grade are due November 23. If you are looking for adult sizes, please reach out to the Booster Club.
over 1 year ago, Sherman County School
PTO T-shirt Order
Sherman County School Community: First, our hearts go out to those that have been impacted by the fire in Grass Valley yesterday. We also want to thank all first responders and the American National Red Cross for their rapid response. Our elementary gymnasium was used as a facility shelter last night for a group of Grass Valley community members. We still have a small assembly of under fifteen this morning. This will have minimal impact on our school functions today. All school activities and instruction will continue as regularly scheduled. We appreciate your understanding as we gladly support the citizens of Grass Valley!
over 1 year ago, Wes Owens
The favorite part of my day was… Our afternoon with staff. Providing lunch to our K-6 teachers during their 2-hour curriculum training…Working with staff in our PBIS & Leadership team meetings…shooting hoops with a teammate at the end of a long week & watching staff pick up their frozen turkeys for the holidays. Working on our systems & goals while strengthening our teamwork and knowing how staff are supporting each other reminds me how as a whole we are greater than the sum of our parts. And that’s one of many reasons I’m proud to be where I am here in Sherman County. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Seeing a few of our leadership students leading the 6th grade class through the character trait of the month. The influence our older students have on younger students is so great to see when used in such a positive way. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
6th grade
character trait
All basketball practices, student clubs and after school activities are cancelled this evening, November 17. Certain parts of the county are still experiencing slick road conditions. This will allow our transportation department to make only one route delivery after-school and student drivers to return home during daylight hours. Thank you for your understanding and drive safe!
over 1 year ago, Sherman County School
The favorite part of my day was… Seeing the great turnout for 5th-8th grade boys and girls basketball. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall
boys bball
girls bball
The favorite part of my day was… 1. Seeing the kindergarten Veterans’ Day art and… 2. Conducting one one one mock job interviews with Mr. Kido’s students, Mr. Kido, Mr. Dearborn, and myself. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 1 year ago, Julia Fall