Weather update - all afterschool activities (SKORE, Jr. High Boys and Girls Basketball, and High School Boys and Girls Basketball) have been canceled today. There will be no activity buses running.
It's snowing! Understanding that it is difficult for parents/guardians to alter their daily routines, we are not currently planning on an early release unless there is significant accumulation. Buses may depart 10 minutes early to allow for safer travel time. We are actively monitoring the weather, stay tuned for updates.
Check out this week's Husky Highlights!
The December SCS Newsletter has been released. Check it out under the News section of the website.
Next week is holiday dress-up. Let's get festive!
This week's edition of the Husky Weekly Highlights.
Come support the Sophomore Tree Sale! They will be in the school parking lot until 5pm today.
SKORE registration is open! Please see the news section of the website or your email for more information about SKORE and Husky Helping Hands.
Mark your calendars! The sophomores will be selling trees in the school parking lot this Saturday from 8-5.
Enjoy this week's edition of the Husky Weekly Highlights!
Enjoy this week's edition of the Husky Highlights.
Enjoy this week's edition of the Husky Highlights.
Congratulations Koby B, Kole M, and Dillan S! SCS National Honor Society’s newest members.
The Husky Highlights and the SCS Newsletter were just released. Check them out in the News section of the website.
Reports Cards/Progress Reports are now available in your ParentVue/StudentVue account.
There are still open time slots if you haven't signed up for conferences with the link sent to your email. We are looking forward to meeting with you during virtual family conferences!
This week's edition of the Husky Highlights!
Congratulations Rose and Sophie for being accepted into All-State Band! SCS is proud to see these talented musicians have the opportunity to play with this group.
Enjoy this week's edition of the Husky Highlights!
It has been a spirited week here at SCS celebrating Homecoming! Join us at tonight's football game and presentation of the 2021 Homecoming Court. Game starts at 7:00pm. Goooo Huskies!!!
Presenting the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Class of 2021-22.